
Over 130 years of preservation and study of
Kennebec County history (1891-Present)

The February KHS used book sale starts Tuesday, February 4!
The book sale will take place inside at the society’s headquarters,
107 Winthrop Street in Augusta throughout the month of February,
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Subjects include fiction, biography/memoir, history/political, art, cookbooks, children’s books, DVD's, and much more! The cost of the books will be $1 each, but please remember this is a fundraiser for KHS! Maine books
will be $2.00 each!
Hope to see you there! As always, thanks for your support!
Call (207) 622-7718 if you have any questions.
KHS February Facebook Live Program:
“Civil War Veterans in Maine”
1910 Reunion of the 5th Maine
Maine sent more men per capita to fight for the Union than any other state, which meant that Civil War veterans here had an outsized influence in the postwar period. This talk will explore the ways veterans made sense of the
most profound experience of their lives by exploring their activities, such as reunions and parades, and the places they created to celebrate, to remember,
and to teach. From campgrounds to Grand Army of the Republic Halls to regimental association summer retreats to memorial libraries to civic statues to the soldier's home at Togus, Maine's Union veterans made a lasting physical impact upon the state's culture. And they participated in national debates about the public memory of the war's causes, outcomes, and meaning. This talk will also explore in broad strokes these themes with examples drawn from across
the state. While Maine also claimed several high-profile veterans, such as
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Oliver Otis Howard, this presentation will focus on the rank-and-file and their activities and legacy.
KHS presenter, C. Ian Stevenson, is the Interim Director of the Preservation Studies Program at Boston University. He holds a PhD in American & New England Studies and an MA in Preservation Studies from Boston University.
Ian is working on a book manuscript titled The Summer Homes of the Survivors: Buildings and Landscapes of the Civil War Vacation, 1878-1918, under contract with the University of Virginia Press.
He lives on Peaks Island, Maine, in Casco Bay.
Stevenson’s presentation can be watched on Facebook Live at 6:30 p.m. on February 19, 2025. It also will be archived on the society’s Facebook page for those who want to watch it later. For more information, call Scott Wood, the society’s executive director, at 622-7718.
Discovering, preserving, and disseminating
Kennebec County history
KHS is located in Maine's Capital City ... in
historic Kennebec Valley at
Henry Weld Fuller, Jr. House
107 Winthrop Street
Augusta, ME
Click the "donate" button below to join KHS or make a donation. Please be sure to explain what the amount is for in the "Add special instructions to seller" section.
Thank you!
Tuesday through Thursday
If unable to visit during our open hours, please call for an appointment.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5582
Augusta, Maine 04332-5582
Those unable to visit us may send questions to our email: