The Kennebec Historical
Society Genealogical Holdings
Kennebec Surname List
There are currently over 50,000 surnames in our database and 88,000 entries for these surnames. When you click on the link below, you will gain access to an Adobe Reader list of names, document titles, and Item ID numbers that are in our database. If you find something you are interested in, you can see the document during open hours. Just bring the Item ID and we will be happy to get the document from our archive. If we're closed, e-mail us or give us a call at (207) 622-7718 and make an appointment.
Kennebec Surname List
The following is a partial list of the
Society's collections at 107 Winthrop Street that may be of
special interest to Genealogists:
1. 1817 Tax assessor's book (INDEXED: 320 names).
2. 1830's Poor House inmate list (INDEXED: 342 names).
3. 1938 WPA Tax photos of buildings in the City of Augusta.
4. Alfred Redington family photos (1800-1900) - First Mayor
of Augusta and Sacramento, California.
5. Augusta Building Survey on buildings over 50 years of age
6. Augusta School Census Records- list of all students in Augusta
School District-1893-1903.
7. Augusta Yacht Club Minutes and Visitor's Register (1904 - 1917).
8. Augusta's published magazines from 1870-1940; including
a complete set of Hearth & Home.
9. Bibles, Family of Michael Wallace Folger (8 Bibles).
10. Bound Newspapers 1822-1907 including: Kennebec Journal,
The Age, The Gospel Banner, The Oxford Democrat and the Maine Standard.
11. Charles Nash's Bibliography of Augusta Citizens to 1897.
12. Church Records: bulletins and Sunday School records (Misc).
13. City Directories Complete from 1871 thru 1900; many from
1900 to 1985.
14. City Treasurer Receipts of Charles Hamlin.
15. Civil War Collection of James Mundy of the 3rd Maine Regiment.
16. Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society
(41 Vol.).
17. Colonial theater records from Elmore Small and photos.
18. Correspondence of Harriet Blaine re: donating the
Blaine House.
19. Descendants of William Titcomb of Newbury, MA.
20. Diaries and Schoolbooks of Ethel Beane - teacher about. 1900.
21. Diaries of Everett and Irl Withee (1950-1980).
22. Family papers of Samuel Titcomb's - turn of the Century
Lawyer and Landlord.
23. Franco American papers of Thomas Plant.
24. GAR Membership book for the Seth Williams Post 13.
25. Genealogical Register.
26. Gilman Collection including Gilman and Bates families.
27. Hallowell Academy - applications and tuition receipts
28. Hallowell Gazette.
29. Hallowell Poor Dept. Tax Assessment.
30. Historical Society's membership records from 1892 to Present. (Recent
records kept confidential)
31. History of Augusta, Maine by James W.
32. History of Kennebec County, Maine
33. Kennebec Bridge Company Records of the Directors
and Stockholders.
34. Knowlton Account Books (1863-1913) Also local undertaker records.
35. Lithgow Library building records and early visitors books.
36. Lithgow Library Membership Lists of the 1870's for the
Augusta Literary Assoc.
37. Maine AAA Registers for the years 1860, 1905, 1922 and 1942 through 1970
38. Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder (Vol. 4-1887,
5-1888, 6-1889, 7-1893 and 8-1895)
39. Maine Roster in WWI, 1917 - 1919
40. Martha Ballard's Diary and Index
41. Metcalf Photographs (family pics)
42. Nash Necrologies - Charles Nash's original notes; Notes
from 1780 to 1886
43. Newspaper clippings from 1950 to Present.
44. North's original notes for his History of Augusta
45. Persons & Families Collection
46. Poor House Tax Records
47. Prominent Colonial Families
48. Ralph Webber's photo collection of local sites
49. Reports of State Representative Daniel Hickey
50. Scrapbooks of obituaries of prominent
51. South Parish Church Records (Pew records
from 1790)
52. State Hospital Nurses Alumni Association
Records (1927-1974)
53. Theatrical Scrapbooks of plays in Augusta at the turn of
the Century.
54. Town Histories
55. Trouant & Bates Company; Undertaking records of the
early 20th Century.
56. Vital Records of Local Towns (other than
57. Conversions, Funerals, Deaths, Baptisms 1896-1909, Kendall Memorial Chapel, Litchfield, ME (INDEXED: 345 names).
Originally compiled by Mary Hitchings in July, 1999. Updated:
January 15, 2013
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